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arizona.pwn(23374) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
arizona.pwn(23374) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
arizona.pwn(23374) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
arizona.pwn(23374) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
жалуется на данную строчку:
%s{cccccc}Для продолжения нажмите 'Далее'",PN(playerid),playerid,ItemsInfo[itemid][ItemName2],hours,cost*hours,Inventory[playerid][2][slot], AksColorName(Inventory[playerid][4][slot]), Inventory[playerid][5][slot] ? GetNameStripe(Inventory[playerid][5][slot]) : "");
Posted (edited) · Report post
Приобрёл я хостинг с базой данных на ru-hoster, ранее пользовался maze-host. При запуске сервера выдает следующий текст:
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as offline...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as starting...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
:/home/container$ ./samp03svr
[2024-07-18 20:43:58] Ru-hoster SAMP container loaded
[2024-07-18 20:43:58] Have fun!
[2024-07-18 20:43:58]
[2024-07-18 20:43:58] Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as running...
[2024-07-18 20:43:58]
[2024-07-18 20:43:58]
[2024-07-18 20:43:58]
[2024-07-18 20:43:58] [log-core] fatal signal '11' (SIGSEGV) catched
[2024-07-18 20:43:58]
[2024-07-18 20:43:58] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as offline...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ----------
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Exit code: 0
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Out of memory: false
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as starting...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
:/home/container$ ./samp03svr
[2024-07-18 20:44:00] Ru-hoster SAMP container loaded
[2024-07-18 20:44:00] Have fun!
[2024-07-18 20:44:01]
[2024-07-18 20:44:01] Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as running...
[2024-07-18 20:44:01]
[2024-07-18 20:44:01]
[2024-07-18 20:44:01]
[2024-07-18 20:44:01] [log-core] fatal signal '11' (SIGSEGV) catched
[2024-07-18 20:44:01]
[2024-07-18 20:44:01] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
container@ru-hoster~ Server marked as offline...
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ----------
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Exit code: 0
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Out of memory: false
[Ru-hoster PTDL Daemon]: Aborting automatic restart, last crash occurred less than 60 seconds ago.
К слову, на мейз хосте проблем с запуском этого мода никаких не было, все стартовало с первой тычки. Помогите пожалуйста, тех поддержка посылает куда подальше..
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R3, (C)2005-2019 SA-MP Team
[21:10:44] filterscripts = "" (string)
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Server Plugins
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] --------------
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: gvar.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
*** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded ***
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] >> plugin.mysql: R41-4 successfully loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.5.1 loading...
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [Pawn.RakNet]
| Pawn.RakNet 1.5.1 | 2016 - 2021
| Author and maintainer: katursis
| Compiled: Sep 26 2021 at 08:32:38
| Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
| Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: pawnregex.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [Pawn.Regex] plugin v1.2.3 loading...
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [Pawn.Regex]
| Pawn.Regex 1.2.3 | 2016 - 2021
| Author and maintainer: katursis
| Compiled: Sep 26 2021 at 08:30:36
| Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.Regex
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: SKY.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ===============================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] < SKY - 2.2.2 >
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Operating System: Linux
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Built on: Jan 20 2020 at 22:20:49
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ===============================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ===============================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] sscanf plugin loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Version: 2.13.1
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2022 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ===============================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: streamer.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loading plugin: YSF_static.so
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ==============================================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] YSF 2.1 (compiled May 8 2021 08:38:37) loaded
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ==============================================
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded 10 plugins.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Filterscripts
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ---------------
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [Pawn.CMD] n_PC_SetFlags: command 'cleardialog' not found
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] hk anticheat loading
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] hk anticheat loaded
[18/07/2024 21:10:44]
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] --------------------------------------
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ������� Nex-AC ��������!
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] ������ ��������: 1.9.53
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] �����: Nexius
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] Modification rakcheat by f0Re3t v2.0.8
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] --------------------------------------
[18/07/2024 21:10:44] [MySQL] ����������� � ���� ������ �������
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� Businesses ��������! (83 ��.) �����: 362
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_diplomation ��������! (11 ��.) �����: 3
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_family_house ��������! (11 ��.) �����: 26
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_drugs_lab ��������! �����: 3
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_drugs_dealer ��������! (3 ��.) �����: 6
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_atm ��������! (24 ��.) �����: 32
[18/07/2024 21:10:45] [�������� ...] ������ �� s_vip_pack ��������! �����: 16
да-да, эти ромбики в логах и были
Edited by dfhfyyjftyfthtj
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