
При заходе на сервер, не доходя до авторизации крашит


[21:02:24] Number of vehicle models: 0
[21:03:29] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:30] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:30] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : connecting player (0) with address ( ...
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : player (0) assigned key (c0ce9bc6330e042)
[21:03:33] [join] Young_Kaiser has joined the server (0:
[21:03:33] LoadMapping загрузился за 5 ms
[21:03:33] CreateObject всего: 65535
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:receive] : player (0) identified (port:48086)
[21:03:34] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:36] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:36] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:38] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:38] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:51] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : disconnecting player (0) ...
[21:03:51] [part] Young_Kaiser has left the server (0:0)


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SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[21:02:24] Server Plugins
[21:02:24] --------------
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[21:02:24]   CrashDetect plugin 4.20
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: fmt.so
[21:02:24]  * fmt plugin loaded
[21:02:24]  * v2.1 (c) vsergeenko
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[21:02:24]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[21:02:24] [Pawn.CMD] plugin v3.4.0 loading...
[21:02:24] [Pawn.CMD] 

    | Pawn.CMD 3.4.0 | 2016 - 2023
    | Author and maintainer: katursis

    | Compiled: Feb 12 2023 at 18:11:36
    | Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.CMD

[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[21:02:24]  ===============================

[21:02:24]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[21:02:24]          Version:  2.8.3        

[21:02:24]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[21:02:24]  ===============================

[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: YSF_static.so
[21:02:24]  ==============================================
[21:02:24]  YSF 2.1 (compiled May  8 2021 08:38:37) loaded
[21:02:24]   (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[21:02:24]   (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[21:02:24]   (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[21:02:24]  Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[21:02:24]  ==============================================
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: cef.so
[21:02:24] CEF plugin is successful loaded.
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: sampvoice.so
[21:02:24] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initializing...
[21:02:24] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initializing...
[21:02:24] [dbg:raknet:init] : installed hook to 'GetRakServerInterface' function (ptr:0x806ca30)
[21:02:24] [dbg:raknet:init] : installed hook to 'OnPlayerDisconnect' function (ptr:0x80a51d0)
[21:02:24] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initialized
[21:02:24] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initialized
[21:02:24]  -------------------------------------------    
[21:02:24]    ___                __   __    _              
[21:02:24]   / __| __ _ _ __  _ _\ \ / /__ (_) __ ___    
[21:02:24]   \__ \/ _` | '  \| '_ \   / _ \| |/ _/ -_)
[21:02:24]   |___/\__,_|_|_|_| .__/\_/\___/|_|\__\___|
[21:02:24]                   |_|                           
[21:02:24]  -------------------------------------------    
[21:02:24]            SampVoice by MOR loaded              
[21:02:24]  -------------------------------------------    
[21:02:24]   Loaded.
[21:02:24]  Loading plugin: dc_cmd.so
[21:02:24]   Failed (plugins/dc_cmd.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:02:24]  Loaded 9 plugins.

[21:02:24] Filterscripts
[21:02:24] ---------------
[21:02:24]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[21:02:24] [sv:dbg:main:AmxLoad] : net game pointer (value:0x9786e10) received
[21:02:24] [sv:dbg:network:bind] : voice server running on port 55253
[21:02:24] AFK SYSTEM BY BATKA1337
[21:02:24] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue)
[21:02:24] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[21:02:24] [debug] #0 00035ab8 in LoadMapping () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\pawno\include\../library/MAP/most.inc:110
[21:02:24] [debug] #1 000932a4 in public afk_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\gamemodes\new.pwn:2599
[21:02:24] [debug] #2 00008614 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\pawno\include\afk.inc:13
[21:02:24] [debug] #3 000017d0 in public Iter_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\pawno\include\sscanf2.inc:211
[21:02:24] [debug] #4 00000264 in public PawnCmd_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\pawno\include\foreach.inc:660
[21:02:24] [debug] #5 00000040 in public OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\sapov\Desktop\new UDM\pawno\include\Pawn.CMD.inc:124
[21:02:24] LoadMapping               7 ms
[21:02:24] =============[RDM]===============
[21:02:24] Relax DeathMatch
[21:02:24] Young Kaiser
[21:02:24] =============[RDM]===============
[21:02:24] Number of vehicle models: 0
[21:03:29] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:30] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:30] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:32] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : connecting player (0) with address ( ...
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : player (0) assigned key (c0ce9bc6330e042)
[21:03:33] [join] Young_Kaiser has joined the server (0:
[21:03:33] LoadMapping               5 ms
[21:03:33] CreateObject      : 65535
[21:03:33] [sv:dbg:network:receive] : player (0) identified (port:48086)
[21:03:34] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:35] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:36] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:36] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:37] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:38] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:38] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:41] Error occured processing incomming packet: DecodingError(OrderingGuarantee)
[21:03:51] [sv:dbg:network:connect] : disconnecting player (0) ...
[21:03:51] [part] Young_Kaiser has left the server (0:0)


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  • Похожий контент

    • От MrNARTI
      всем привет появилась ошибка со входам в автосалон, ерроров нету но при попытки входа показывает что есть транспорт загруженный хотя его нету. Но когда ввожу /car показывает что есть хотя повторяюсь его нет.
      команда /саr
      если понадобится что то еще скинуть то скажите я скину.
    • От MrNARTI
      всем привет можете пожалуйста подсказать с командой от анти слива /aban
      чтобы банило и администратора который использовал эту кмд и адм которого указал в айди.