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всем привет можете пожалуйста подсказать с командой от анти слива /aban
чтобы банило и администратора который использовал эту кмд и адм которого указал в айди.
всем привет.
появился баг раньше не было.
когда захожу должно появляться окно для адм авторизации но почему то перестало.
так же когда когда ввожу /car показывает что тс загружен хотя я его не загружал и у меня его вообще нет
кто может помогите:
тг: aboba_qq
Опубликовано (изменено) · Жалоба
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[00:13:42] Server Plugins
[00:13:42] --------------
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[00:13:42] CrashDetect v4.13 is OK.
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: CRP.so
[00:13:42] ______________________________________
[00:13:42] Convert Rus To Pwn v0.1.1 loaded
[00:13:42] ______________________________________
[00:13:42] By: Fro (c) Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011
[00:13:42] ______________________________________
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: dc_cmd.so
[00:13:42] Daniel's CMD plugin v2.8
[00:13:42] (c) 2014 Daniel_Cortez
[00:13:42] www.pro-pawn.ru
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[00:13:42] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[00:13:42] ===============================
[00:13:42] sscanf plugin loaded.
[00:13:42] Version: 2.8.3
[00:13:42] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[00:13:42] ===============================
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: streamer.so
[00:13:42] Failed (plugins/streamer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[00:13:42] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.5.1 loading...
[00:13:42] [Pawn.RakNet]
| Pawn.RakNet 1.5.1 | 2016 - 2021
| Author and maintainer: katursis
| Compiled: Sep 26 2021 at 08:32:38
| Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
| Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: vehiclesIdFix.so
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loading plugin: cef.so
[00:13:42] CEF plugin is successful loaded.
[00:13:42] Loaded.
[00:13:42] Loaded 8 plugins.
[00:13:42] Filterscripts
[00:13:42] ---------------
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'OP_actor.amx'...
[00:13:42] +-----------------------------------------+
[00:13:42] | Скрипт от Oleg_Petrow успешно загружен |
[00:13:42] | Система актёров | Версия: 6.2 |
[00:13:42] |_________________________________________|
[00:13:42] Загружено 0 актёров!
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'fly.amx'...
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'EditorObject.amx'...
[00:13:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'vae.amx'...
[00:13:42] Автор доработки скрипта: LINKASH
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'AttachEditor.amx'...
AttachEditor loaded.
Repack by Edwin (RU) 2016
[00:13:42] Loading filterscript 'newcmv2.amx'...
[00:13:42] [FS]MenuCeni v2.0 от 18.10.2014
[00:13:42] by
[00:13:42] WaR..Tm_Ceni
[00:13:42] skype: deadly_ceni
[00:13:42] --------------------------------------
[00:13:42] Loaded 6 filterscripts.
[00:13:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:13:42] [debug] KryptoHook_GetPlayerName
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[00:13:42] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle
[00:13:42] [debug] IsPlayerInDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] MoveDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx
[00:13:42] [debug] EditDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_GetFloatData
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_SetFloatData
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicSphere
[00:13:42] [debug] AttachDynamicAreaToVehicle
[00:13:42] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot
[00:13:42] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_GetIntData
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:13:42] [debug] KryptoHook_GetPlayerName
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[00:13:42] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle
[00:13:42] [debug] IsPlayerInDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicArea
[00:13:42] [debug] MoveDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectPos
[00:13:42] [debug] SetDynamicObjectRot
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_UpdateEx
[00:13:42] [debug] EditDynamicObject
[00:13:42] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_GetFloatData
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_SetFloatData
[00:13:42] [debug] CreateDynamicSphere
[00:13:42] [debug] AttachDynamicAreaToVehicle
[00:13:42] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot
[00:13:42] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos
[00:13:42] [debug] Streamer_GetIntData
[00:13:42] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:13:42] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject
[00:13:42] Script[gamemodes/NVE-GM.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:13:42] Number of vehicle models: 0
Отредактировано пользователем Cawfee
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