
В общем скачал мод, решил запустить (самп) и вот ошибки. Появился не на спавне


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[16:14:58] Server Plugins
[16:14:58] --------------
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[16:14:58]  ===============================

[16:14:58]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[16:14:58]          Version:  2.8.1        

[16:14:58]    (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[16:14:58]  ===============================

[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: regex

[16:14:58] ______________________________________

[16:14:58]  Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.1 loaded
[16:14:58] ______________________________________

[16:14:58]  By: Fro (c) Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011
[16:14:58] ______________________________________

[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: mysql
[16:14:58]  >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded.
[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: dc_cmd
[16:14:58]   Daniel''s CMD plugin v2.0
[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: dc_cmd
[16:14:58]   Daniel''s CMD plugin v2.0
[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loading plugin: mysql
[16:14:58]  >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded.
[16:14:58]   Loaded.
[16:14:58]  Loaded 7 plugins.

[16:14:58] Ban list
[16:14:58] --------
[16:14:58]  Loaded: samp.ban
[16:14:58] Filterscripts
[16:14:58] ---------------
[16:14:58]   Loading filterscript 're.amx'...
[16:14:58] FS =Online Players Record= by Dark[LS], Loaded...
[16:14:58] --------------------------------------

[16:14:58]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[16:14:58] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[16:14:58]  ======================================= 
[16:14:58]  |                                     | 
[16:14:58]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[16:14:58]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        | 
[16:14:58]  |                                     | 
[16:14:58]  ======================================= 
[16:14:58] Anti-DDOS Atack Started!
[16:14:58] LoadZones
[16:14:58] GANGZONE 0 
[16:14:58] GANGZONE 0 
[16:14:58] GANGZONE 0 
[16:14:58] GANGZONE 0 
[16:14:58] GANGZONE 0 
[16:14:58] 0 --- 511
[16:14:58] LoadGZ
[16:14:58] 67 gps локаций успешно загружены!
[16:14:58] Menu
[16:14:58] LoadAvto
[16:14:58] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[16:14:58] Script[gamemodes/1.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[16:14:58] Number of vehicle models: 70
[16:14:59] [Загружено домов]: <892>. Времени затрачено: <43 мс>
[16:14:59] [Загружено квартир]: <347>. Времени затрачено: <8 мс>
[16:14:59] [Загружено подъездов]: <6>. Времени затрачено: <0 мс>
[16:14:59] [Загружено бизнесов]: <19>. Времени затрачено: <3 мс>
[16:17:22] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[16:17:23] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[16:17:23] [join] Jony_Boy has joined the server (0:
[16:17:23] OnPlayerConnect
[16:17:38] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:40] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:41] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:44] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:47] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:50] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:50] нету файла
[16:17:54] OnDialogResponse
[16:17:54] SetPlayerWeapons
[16:17:54] SetPlayerWeapons
[16:17:56] SaveAccount
[16:17:56] SetPlayerWeapons
[16:17:56] SetPlayerToTeamColor
[16:17:56] SetPlayerWeapons
[16:17:56] SetPlayerToTeamColor
[16:18:02] [chat] [Jony_Boy]: mm
[16:18:02] OnPlayerText
[16:18:07] OnDialogResponse
[16:19:12] OnDialogResponse
[16:19:12] OnDialogResponse
[16:19:13] OnDialogResponse
[16:19:22] SaveAccount
[16:19:22] [part] Jony_Boy has left the server (0:1)


Ошибок в самом моде нету

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1 answer to this question

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22 минуты назад, Remmi_Feed сказал:

[16:14:58] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)

версия инклуда стримера не совпадает с версией плагина. Скачайте их с одного источника и перекомпилируйте мод

23 минуты назад, Remmi_Feed сказал:

Script[gamemodes/1.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"

В моде отсутствует "вход". Перед OnGameModeInit добавить:

main () {}


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