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[закрыто] Ошибка при выполнении запроса (интерьеры гаражей)


Здравствуйте Хотел бы у вас совета спросить Создаю систему гаража для crmp 03e И проблема заключается в то что после создания 1 гаража последующие не отправляют в интерьер .

1.Вот в MySQL ошибка: CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET `id` = '29' LIMIT 1' at line 1 (Query: "UPDATE `garages` SET SET `id` = '29' LIMIT 1")

2.Вот сам код сохранения PHP:

stock SaveGarageData(g)
new string[256]; global_string = "UPDATE `garages` SET ";
acc_str_strcat(global_string, sizeof(global_string), "owner", GarageInfo[g][data_gOWNER]);
acc_int_strcat(global_string, sizeof(global_string), "owned", GarageInfo[g][data_gOWNED]);
acc_int_strcat(global_string, sizeof(global_string), "lock", GarageInfo[g][data_gLOCK]);
acc_int_strcat(global_string, sizeof(global_string), "day", GarageInfo[g][data_gDAY]);
strdel(global_string, strlen(global_string)-1, strlen(global_string));
format(string,sizeof(string)," WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1",GarageInfo[g][data_gID]);
strcat(global_string, string);
mysql_function_query(dbHandle, global_string, true, "", "");
return true;

Абсолютно не могу понять что не так в syntax. Заранее спасибо большое за помощь.

Edited by glvde.

Заметка от 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙧. , создано

3.2. Код больше 10 строк необходимо брать в теги "Код" и "Спойлер". Как это сделать рассказано в разделе "FAQ".

Устное предупреждение.

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Замени свой сток на этот:

stock SaveGarageData(g)
	new string[256]; 
	format(string, sizeof(string), "UPDATE `garages` SET `owner` = '%s', `owned` = '%s', `lock` = '%d', `day` = '%d' WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1",
	GarageInfo[g][data_gOWNER], GarageInfo[g][data_gOWNED], GarageInfo[g][data_gLOCK], GarageInfo[g][data_gDAY], GarageInfo[g][data_gID]);
	mysql_function_query(dbHandle, string, true, "", "");
	return true;



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                                }                                 new price[8];                                 format(price, sizeof(price), "%d$", House[index][hPRICE]);                                 PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][2], price);                                 new id[9];                                 format(id, sizeof(id), "%d", House[index][hID]);                                 PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][0], id);                                 switch(House[index][hCLASS])                                 {                                     case 1: PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][1], "A");                                     case 2: PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][1], "B");                                     case 3: PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][1], "C");                                 }                                 for(new i = 0; i < sizeof NoOwnerTextDraw_TD; i++)                         {                             TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_TD[i]);                                 }                         }                 }                 case GA_RESPONSE_LEAVE:                 {                 for(new i = 0; i < sizeof NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[]; i++)                 {                     PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_PTD[playerid][i]);                         }                         for(new i = 0; i < sizeof NoOwnerTextDraw_TD; i++)                 {                     TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, NoOwnerTextDraw_TD[i]);                         }                 }         }         return 1; } GAResponse:BizArea(playerid, response, key, index) {         switch(response)         {             case GA_RESPONSE_PRESS_KEY:             {                 if(key & KEY_WALK)                 {                     GoToInteriorBiz(playerid, Biz[index][bINTERIOR]);                                 SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, index);                 }                 }         }         return 1; } GAResponse:InteriorExit(playerid, response, key, index) {         switch(response)         {             case GA_RESPONSE_PRESS_KEY:             {                 new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);                 if(key & KEY_WALK)                 {                     if(world < MAX_HOUSES)                     {                         SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);                             SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);                             SetPlayerPos(playerid, House[world][hX], House[world][hY], House[world][hZ]);                             SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, House[world][hA]);                                 }                                 else if(world < MAX_HOUSES + MAX_BIZS)                     {                         world -= MAX_HOUSES;                                         printf("%d index world", world);                         SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);                             SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);                             SetPlayerPos(playerid, Biz[world][bX], Biz[world][bY], Biz[world][bZ]);                             SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Biz[world][bA]);                                 }                         }                         if(key & KEY_CTRL_BACK)                         {                             if(player_info[playerid][HOUSE] != House[world][hID]) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[Ошибка]{ffffff}Вы не владелец данного дома!");                             new dialog[256];                                 format(dialog, sizeof(dialog),                                         "{ffd900}[1]{ffffff}Информация о доме\n\                                         {ffd900}[2]{ffffff}%s дом",                                 (House[world][hCONDITION] == 1) ? ("{00ff00}Открыть") : ("{ff0000}Закрыть"));                             SPD(playerid, DLG_HMENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{ffd900}Меню дома", dialog, "Выбрать", "Закрыть");                             return 1;                         }                 }         }         return 1; } stock GoToInterior(playerid, interior) {     for(new i = 0; i < Interiors; i++)         {             if(Interior[i][intID] != interior) continue;             SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Interior[i][intINTERIOR]);             SetPlayerPos(playerid, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ]);             SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Interior[i][intA]);             SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ], 1.0);             new str[128];             format(str, sizeof(str),                         "Нажмите \"ALT\" для выхода\n\                         Нажмите \"H\", чтобы открыть меню дома");             Create3DTextLabel(str, -1, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ], 15.0, 0, 1);             return 1;         }         return 0; } stock GoToInteriorBiz(playerid, interior) {     for(new i = 0; i < Interiors; i++)         {             if(Interior[i][intID] != interior) continue;             SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Interior[i][intINTERIOR]);             SetPlayerPos(playerid, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ]);             SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Interior[i][intA]);             SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ], 1.0);             new str[128];             format(str, sizeof(str),                         "Нажмите \"ALT\" для выхода");             Create3DTextLabel(str, -1, Interior[i][intX], Interior[i][intY], Interior[i][intZ], 15.0, 0, 1);             return 1;         }         return 0; }  
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