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[закрыто] Ошибки при запуске сервера, + unknown
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Всем привет, хотелось бы спросить у тех, кто разбирается в PluginSDK.
Какие есть источники, руководства, документации о PluginSDK?
Я пока что ничего нормального не нахожу.
Заранее спасибо
By Danila_Fazz
Добрый день вписал систему 3д номеров все запустилось, но когда создаю номера пишет что они записаны в бд но они не записываются в бд когда еще раз отпровляю команду пишет опять что все записано, но не чо не записываеться когда компелирую мод показывает только варнинги 202 на разные строки
C:\Users\Danila_Fazz\Desktop\Сервак\gamemodes\srp061.pwn(23135) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Users\Danila_Fazz\Desktop\Сервак\gamemodes\srp061.pwn(23162) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
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C:\Users\Danila_Fazz\Desktop\Сервак\gamemodes\srp061.pwn(23388) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Users\Danila_Fazz\Desktop\Сервак\gamemodes\srp061.pwn(23397) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Pawn compiler 3.10.20150531 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
Header size: 18160 bytes
Code size: 8734120 bytes
Data size: 3641416 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=6660 cells (26640 bytes)
Total requirements:12410080 bytes
7 Warnings.
на каждой этой страке находиться if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid, 7)) return 1;
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Мод Aurora RP 2021 от Way Dev (Который сливал, HuntWill)
Никик не могу запустить, вроде все плагины прописал в samp.cfg все равно не запускается, кто знает помогите пожалуйста. Заранее спасибо.
---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [12:36:51] filterscripts = "" (string) [12:36:51] [12:36:51] Server Plugins [12:36:51] -------------- [12:36:51] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [12:36:51] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: SKY.so [12:36:51] [12:36:51] =============================== [12:36:51] [12:36:51] < SKY - 2.2.2 > [12:36:51] [12:36:51] (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers [12:36:51] (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman [12:36:51] [12:36:51] Server Version: 0.3.7 R2 [12:36:51] Operating System: Linux [12:36:51] Built on: Jan 20 2020 at 22:20:49 [12:36:51] [12:36:51] =============================== [12:36:51] [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: mysql.so [12:36:51] Failed (log-core.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) [12:36:51] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [12:36:51] [12:36:51] =============================== [12:36:51] sscanf plugin loaded. [12:36:51] Version: 2.8.3 [12:36:51] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [12:36:51] =============================== [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: streamer.so [12:36:51] *** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded *** [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: gvar.so [12:36:51] *** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded *** [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: pawncmd.so [12:36:51] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so [12:36:51] Pawn.RakNet plugin v1.3.0 by urShadow has been loaded [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: profiler.so [12:36:51] Profiler plugin 2.15.3 [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: timerfix.so [12:36:51] Timer Fix plugin v1.1.1 by KashCherry loaded. [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loading plugin: TOTP.so [12:36:51] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded. [12:36:51] Loaded. [12:36:51] Loaded 10 plugins. [12:36:51] [12:36:51] Ban list [12:36:51] -------- [12:36:51] Loaded: samp.ban [12:36:51] [12:36:51] [12:36:51] Filterscripts [12:36:51] --------------- [12:36:51] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [12:36:51] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_row_count [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_query [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_tquery [12:36:51] [debug] cache_is_valid [12:36:51] [debug] cache_delete [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_format [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name_int [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name_float [12:36:51] [debug] cache_insert_id [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_pquery [12:36:51] [debug] SvGetVersion [12:36:51] [debug] SvHasMicro [12:36:51] [debug] SvAttachListenerToStream [12:36:51] [debug] SvAddKey [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_escape_string [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index_int [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_errno [12:36:51] [debug] SvDeleteStream [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_close [12:36:51] [debug] SvCreateGStream [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_init_options [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_set_option [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_connect_file [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_log [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_set_charset [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index_float [12:36:51] [debug] SvAttachSpeakerToStream [12:36:51] [debug] SvDetachSpeakerFromStream [12:36:51] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_row_count [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_query [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_tquery [12:36:51] [debug] cache_is_valid [12:36:51] [debug] cache_delete [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_format [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name_int [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_name_float [12:36:51] [debug] cache_insert_id [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_pquery [12:36:51] [debug] SvGetVersion [12:36:51] [debug] SvHasMicro [12:36:51] [debug] SvAttachListenerToStream [12:36:51] [debug] SvAddKey [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_escape_string [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index_int [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_errno [12:36:51] [debug] SvDeleteStream [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_close [12:36:51] [debug] SvCreateGStream [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_init_options [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_set_option [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_connect_file [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_log [12:36:51] [debug] mysql_set_charset [12:36:51] [debug] cache_get_value_index_float [12:36:51] [debug] SvAttachSpeakerToStream [12:36:51] [debug] SvDetachSpeakerFromStream [12:36:51] Script[gamemodes/main.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [12:36:51] Number of vehicle models: 0
Подключил вместо mysql.so, mysql_static, все плагины успешно запустились, остальные ошибки в sampvoice вроде
Edited by Jawn
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