• 0

[закрыто] Ошибки при запуске сервера, + unknown


Мод Aurora RP 2021 от Way Dev (Который сливал, HuntWill)


Никик не могу запустить, вроде все плагины прописал в samp.cfg все равно не запускается, кто знает помогите пожалуйста. Заранее спасибо.



Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[12:36:51] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[12:36:51] Server Plugins
[12:36:51] --------------
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[12:36:51]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: SKY.so
[12:36:51]  ===============================
[12:36:51]    < SKY - 2.2.2 >
[12:36:51]    (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[12:36:51]    (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[12:36:51]    Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[12:36:51]    Operating System: Linux
[12:36:51]    Built on: Jan 20 2020 at 22:20:49
[12:36:51]  ===============================
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[12:36:51]   Failed (log-core.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[12:36:51]  ===============================

[12:36:51]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[12:36:51]          Version:  2.8.3        

[12:36:51]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[12:36:51]  ===============================

[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: gvar.so

*** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[12:36:51] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[12:36:51] Pawn.RakNet plugin v1.3.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: profiler.so
[12:36:51]   Profiler plugin 2.15.3
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: timerfix.so
[12:36:51]   Timer Fix plugin v1.1.1 by KashCherry loaded.
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[12:36:51] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[12:36:51]   Loaded.
[12:36:51]  Loaded 10 plugins.

[12:36:51] Ban list
[12:36:51] --------
[12:36:51]  Loaded: samp.ban
[12:36:51] Filterscripts
[12:36:51] ---------------
[12:36:51]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[12:36:51] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_query
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_is_valid
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_delete
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_format
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_int
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_float
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_pquery
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvGetVersion
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvHasMicro
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAttachListenerToStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAddKey
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_int
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_errno
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvDeleteStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_close
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvCreateGStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_init_options
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_set_option
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_connect_file
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_log
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_set_charset
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_float
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAttachSpeakerToStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvDetachSpeakerFromStream
[12:36:51] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_query
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_is_valid
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_delete
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_format
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_int
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_float
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_pquery
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvGetVersion
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvHasMicro
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAttachListenerToStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAddKey
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_int
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_errno
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvDeleteStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_close
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvCreateGStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_init_options
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_set_option
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_connect_file
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_log
[12:36:51] [debug]  mysql_set_charset
[12:36:51] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_float
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvAttachSpeakerToStream
[12:36:51] [debug]  SvDetachSpeakerFromStream
[12:36:51] Script[gamemodes/main.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[12:36:51] Number of vehicle models: 0




Подключил вместо mysql.so, mysql_static, все плагины успешно запустились, остальные ошибки в sampvoice вроде

Отредактировано пользователем Jawn

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2 ответа на этот вопрос

  • 0

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[14:31:33] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[14:31:33] Server Plugins
[14:31:33] --------------
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[14:31:33]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: SKY.so
[14:31:33]  ===============================
[14:31:33]    < SKY - 2.2.2 >
[14:31:33]    (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[14:31:33]    (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[14:31:33]    Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[14:31:33]    Operating System: Linux
[14:31:33]    Built on: Jan 20 2020 at 22:20:49
[14:31:33]  ===============================
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[14:31:33]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[14:31:33]  ===============================

[14:31:33]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[14:31:33]          Version:  2.8.3        

[14:31:33]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[14:31:33]  ===============================

[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: gvar.so

*** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[14:31:33] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[14:31:33] Pawn.RakNet plugin v1.3.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: profiler.so
[14:31:33]   Profiler plugin 2.15.3
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: timerfix.so
[14:31:33]   Timer Fix plugin v1.1.1 by KashCherry loaded.
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[14:31:33] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[14:31:33]   Loaded.
[14:31:33]  Loaded 11 plugins.

[14:31:33] Ban list
[14:31:33] --------
[14:31:33]  Loaded: samp.ban
[14:31:33] Filterscripts
[14:31:33] ---------------
[14:31:33]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[14:31:34] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_int
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_float
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_int
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_init_options
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_set_option
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_connect_file
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_float
[14:31:34] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_int
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_name_float
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_int
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_init_options
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_set_option
[14:31:34] [debug]  mysql_connect_file
[14:31:34] [debug]  cache_get_value_index_float
[14:31:34] Script[gamemodes/main.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:31:34] Number of vehicle models: 0


Вместо - mysql.so подключил mysql_static.so, дальше отключил sampvoice, теперь выдает вот это

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@Stas_Wilson таких функций и нет в версии mySQL R-39-6 от BlueG. Зайдите в папку с инклудами, посмотрите в инклуд mysql, называется mysql.inc или a_mysql.inc и там вверху будет написана версия. 

https://github.com/pBlueG/SA-MP-MySQL/releases отсюда скачаете ту, что там будет написана. Если нужен плагин с уже вшитыми в него библиотеками (static версия), то качаете .tar.gz архив, в названии которого есть слово static. 

.tar.gz под виндой можно открывать win rar

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    • Zelixsz
      От Zelixsz
      Привет, при попытке запустить сервер появляется такая ошибка. 
      Буду благодарен за любую помощь 
      MySQL: подключаюсь к localhost (Логин: root | БД: adamandrp) MySQL: не удалось подключиться к localhost