• 0

[закрыто] Error 19


Выходит ошибка :


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[07:17:06] Server Plugins
[07:17:06] --------------
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[07:17:06]   CrashDetect plugin 4.20
[07:17:06]   Loaded.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: arz
[07:17:06]   Failed.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: cef
[07:17:06]   Failed.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: fmt
[07:17:06]  * fmt plugin loaded
[07:17:06]  * v2.1 (c) vsergeenko
[07:17:06]   Loaded.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: foreach
[07:17:06]   Failed.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: fixobject1
[07:17:06]   Failed.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: CLA
[07:17:06]   Loaded.
[07:17:06]  Loading plugin: LauncherAddon
[07:17:08]  ========[ LauncherAddon 1.3 ]========
[07:17:08]    Версия сервера: 0.3.7 R2
[07:17:08]    Операционная система: Windows
[07:17:08]    (c) - legendabrn -
[07:17:08]    Проверка активации...
[07:17:08]    Проверка активации успешно пройдена
[07:17:08]  ===============================
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: mapandreas
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: mysql
[07:17:08]   Failed.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: nativechecker
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: pawncmd
[07:17:08] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet
[07:17:08] [Pawn.RakNet] 

    | Pawn.RakNet 1.4.1 | 2016 - 2020
    | Author and maintainer: urShadow

    | Compiled: Jun 18 2020 at 14:19:11
    | Forum thread: https://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=640306
    | Repository: https://github.com/urShadow/Pawn.RakNet
    | Wiki: https://github.com/urShadow/Pawn.RakNet/wiki

[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[07:17:08]  ===============================

[07:17:08]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[07:17:08]          Version:  2.8.3        

[07:17:08]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[07:17:08]  ===============================

[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: TOTP
[07:17:08] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loading plugin: YSF
[07:17:08]  ==============================================
[07:17:08]  YSF 2.1 (compiled Nov 14 2020 15:42:22) loaded
[07:17:08]   (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[07:17:08]   (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[07:17:08]   (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[07:17:08]  Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Windows
[07:17:08]  ==============================================
[07:17:08]   Loaded.
[07:17:08]  Loaded 12 plugins.

[07:17:08] Filterscripts
[07:17:08] ---------------
[07:17:08]   Loading filterscript 'attached.amx'...
[07:17:08]   Loading filterscript 'map.amx'...
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText'
[07:17:08] LoadMap загрузился за 111 ms
[07:17:08]   Loading filterscript 'other.amx'...
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon'
[07:17:08]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObjectEx'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetVisibleItems'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_IsConnected'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_ReadValue'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_WriteValue'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PR_Init'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_SetIntData'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GetLocalIP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_GetDistanceToItem'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_GetIntData'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_GetItemStreamerID'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicPickup'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_IgnoreBits'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_SetWriteOffset'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_ResetReadPointer'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_New'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PR_SendRPC'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'BS_Delete'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PC_Init'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GetWeaponSlot'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_count'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_delete'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_int'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content_int'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'TogglePlayerDynamicCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_escape_string'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_insert_id'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content_float'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_tquery'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'arz_Speed'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'arz_Hud'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'arz_Radar'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsVehicleOccupied'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectRot'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsPlayerInDynamicCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_float'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicSphere'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_data'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsPlayerTextDrawVisible'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_set_charset'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_errno'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicRaceCPs'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'TogglePlayerDynamicRaceCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicMapIcon'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicMapIcon'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidPlayerTextDraw'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_GetFloatData'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicArea'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'StopDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'arz_Eat'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicArea'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicRaceCP'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetVehicleSpawnInfo'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'arz_Benz'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PlayerTextDrawGetPos'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PlayerTextDrawSetPos'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicCircle'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetModeRestartTime'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'SetMaxPlayers'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicObjects'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicMapIcons'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamic3DTextLabels'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_Update'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'AttachDynamicObjectToObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GoogleAuthenticatorCode'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PlayerTextDrawGetBackgroundCol'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PC_RegAlias'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'GetVehicleInterior'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PC_EmulateCommand'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'IsDynamicObjectMoving'
[07:17:08]    Error: Function not registered: 'PR_RegHandler'
[07:17:08] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_query
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_delete
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Speed
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Hud
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Radar
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_data
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_connect
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_set_charset
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_errno
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Eat
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_format
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Benz
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_close
[07:17:08] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_query
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_delete
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Speed
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Hud
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Radar
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[07:17:08] [debug]  cache_get_data
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_connect
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_set_charset
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_errno
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Eat
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_format
[07:17:08] [debug]  arz_Benz
[07:17:08] [debug]  mysql_close
[07:17:08] Script[gamemodes/arizonarp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[07:17:08] Number of vehicle models: 0

Знаю про инклуд но не могу его поставить. Типо когда я беру название с инклуда это не подходит + там есть файлы которые нету в плагинах я вообще 0 в павно хелпаните пж

Вот и сам инклуд:


#include <a_samp>
#include <pawnbots>
#define MAX_PLAYERS (100)
#define MAX_VEHICLES (1500)
#include <crashdetect>
#include <foreach>
#include <streamer>
#include <fixobject1>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <mxINI>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <fmt>
#include <YSF>
#include <mail>
#include <TOTP>
#include <Pawn.RakNet>
#include <nex-ac>
#include <md5>
#include <Pawn.CMD>
#include <mapandreas>
#include <arz>
//#include <cef>
#include <SyncServer>

main есть плагины все норм других модах норм играю но на этом вообще не понял как исправить ошибки

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  • 0

fixobject1 foreach удали с загрузки плагинов, а arz mysql не загружаются 



Отредактировано пользователем Раксон Фаркрай

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  • Похожий контент

    • Sten Developer
      От Sten Developer
      Объясню всю ситуацию, пишу систему смерти игрока но она не работает. Решил по приколу написать туда обычный вывод текста SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Вы умерли");
      Но однако после смерти текст не выводиться. Не работает абсолютно все. Кто знает как решить эту проблему?
    • Fpfe
      От Fpfe
      Я не могу понять в чем ошибка помогите пожалуйста
      C:\Users\Deze{s\Desktop\arzdd\gamemodes\arizonarp.pwn(50864) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
      Pawn compiler 3.10.8              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

      1 Error.
      Уже почитал Что в этой строке мне просто нужно было 2 запятые поставить,Кто первый ответит тому положительный оставлю