
mod Unknown
[14:06:43] [MySQL] Подключение к базе данных удалось
[14:06:43] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[14:06:43] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 20 in array of size 20
[14:06:43] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:06:43] [debug] #0 00177e08 in UpdateBusiness (id=81, create=1) at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\../source/systems/businesses.pwn:614
[14:06:43] [debug] #1 0017d57c in LoadBusinesses () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\../source/systems/businesses.pwn:930
[14:06:43] [debug] #2 002949e4 in MySQLConnectToServerDataBase () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\../source/functions.pwn:2926
[14:06:43] [debug] #3 0083550c in public ac_ser_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\main.pwn:24962
[14:06:43] [debug] #4 000909f0 in public WC_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\../source/config/anticheat_new.pwn:443
[14:06:43] [debug] #5 00065c34 in public ac_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\pawno\include\weapon-config.inc:2027
[14:06:43] [debug] #6 00019024 in public PawnCmd_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\gamemodes\../guard/nex-ac/nex-ac.inc:3507
[14:06:43] [debug] #7 0000b948 in public PawnRakNet_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\pawno\include\Pawn.CMD.inc:125
[14:06:43] [debug] #8 0000b900 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\pawno\include\Pawn.RakNet.inc:1153
[14:06:43] [debug] #9 00002cb0 in public Iter_OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\pawno\include\sscanf2.inc:1033
[14:06:43] [debug] #10 00000b48 in public OnGameModeInit () at C:\Users\maks\Desktop\honest\pawno\include\foreach.inc:660
[14:06:43] — LIMITS: VEHICLE:2000
[14:06:43] — Gamemode started in [14:06:43 06/11/2022]
[14:06:43] — Current Pickups = 172
[14:06:43] — Current Objects = 0
[14:06:43] — Current 3DText = 84
[14:06:43] — Current MapIcons = 81 (SD: 150.000000)
[14:06:43] — Current Checkpoints = 0
[14:06:43] — Current Race Checkpoints = 0
[14:06:43] — Current Areas = 76
[14:06:43] Number of vehicle models: 0

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    • Sten Developer
      От Sten Developer
      Объясню всю ситуацию, пишу систему смерти игрока но она не работает. Решил по приколу написать туда обычный вывод текста SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Вы умерли");
      Но однако после смерти текст не выводиться. Не работает абсолютно все. Кто знает как решить эту проблему?